Also referred as the Moon Festival, this holiday is a harvest celebration! There is also a legend in China that once there were ten suns and a man shot down nine receiving a pill for immortality as his reward, the wife took the pill instead of her husband and so she flew to the moon and was stuck there forever, every year the husband stares at the moon to look for his wife (this is a brief and butchered story, but there are many variations even in China so bear with me). It is also a time to remember those far away as hopefully they will all stare at the moon at the same time as you! (too bad for the 13 hour people put on your shades and stare at the sun, meanwhile I will look at the moon...jkjkjk). We did some camping and were also invited to a friend's house to attend a banquet to celebrate the festival! We also had some mooncake!
Este fecha tambien se le conoce como el Festival de la luna! Es un festival para celebrar la cosecha! Tambien a leyendas, una de un hombre que fue mandado a deshacer de nueve soles! Al deshacerse de ellos se le fue regalado una pastilla de inmortalidad, su esposa se la tomo y se fue volando hacia la luna y se quedo atrapada ahi! Cada año el hombre mira hacia la luna para buscar a su esposa! Tambien se le conoce como un tiempo para recordar a los que estan lejos de ti, ya que es posible que esten mirando la luna al mismo tiempo que tu, pero con nuestras 13 horas de diferencia a ustedes les va a tocar ponerse gafas de sol y mirar hacia el cacheton, en lo que yo miro la luna...jejeje! Hicimos un poco de todo! Fuimos a un banquete de una compañera y nos invito a su casa, y tambien fuimos de campamento! Tambien comimos mooncake (unos pastelitos rellenos de infinidad de cosas que son tradicion durante estas fechas!
We all had our own cute little blankets! My was Winnie the Pooh! |
Tali and I with Lee's little brother! |
The feast! |
Our comfy bed! |
Lee and I |
A huge mango! |
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