Thursday, August 30, 2012


I have noticed that I have not documented my eating habits, while I still have to explore more of the city's culinary arts, I am going to post pictures of my meals at Xing Wei! I must say: I can't complain!

Todavia me falta de probar las artes culinarias de la ciudad! Por lo pronto seguire poniendo fotos se la comida aqui en la escuela! Aunque tengo que decir: no me puedo quejar!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


“Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.” 
― Mark Twain

It's all about the flavor! Although there are many things here that may be American, they often come with a Chinese Twist! The chips are more meat-flavored, and the Oreos...well! They have an array of choices!

Hay varias cosas que se pueden encontrar aqui que provienen de Los Estados Unidos, siempre y cuando tengan un toque Chino! El sabor: las papitas tienen sabores de carne o platillos chinos, y las Oreos de Te verde, berries, y otros sabores!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Got Cell Phone?!?

In my attempt to buy a sim card for my phone, I ended up buying a new cell phone because AT&T does not accept foreign cards unless you unlock your phone! I was surprised that I could bargain for my cell phone at an official store! I almost did not buy it because they didn't have it in white, but I was quickly assured that it could be delivered from another store in 5-6 min! Sure enough, I had not made my decision yet and it had already arrived!!A good deal, a free water bottle and an extra battery later, I walked out with my new toy!

Me toco comprar un celular nuevo en China porque el mio no acepta tarjetas de otros paises! Me sorprendi cuando me dijiero que podia regatear por el celular, ya que lo compre en una tienda oficial! Ya mero no lo compraba porque no lo tenian en blanco, pero pronto me aseguraron que lo podian mandar traer de otra tienda en 5-6 minutos! Aun no tenia mi respuesta cuando ya habia llegado!!Regateamos un poco y unos yuan menos, una vaso, y una extra bateria gratis despues sali de ahi con mi nuevo juguete!!

Breakfast! Lunch! And Dinner!!

1st day of classes (more like orientation) went great except for a pounding headache!! Our cafeteria finally opened and this is what I chose for all of my three meals of the day!!

Primer dia de clases! Mas como dia de orientacion! La cafeteria finalmente habrio y esto es lo que escogi para mis tres comidas del dia!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chinese students and Chinese hotpots!!

A few of the students arrived to Xing Wei today!! Moving Day!! They are all very nice and I got to go out and eat dinner with them! We went to a Chinese hotpot restaurant!! It's a restaurant in which you get a lot of meats and vegetables and you dip them in boiling water until they are cooked! We had spicy and plain flavored water boiling! We also got different sauces!! It was very delicious!

Algunos de Los estudiantes llegaron hoy!! Todos son muy amables y tube la oportunidad de salir a cenar con ellos! Fuimos a un restaurante donde te lleban diferentes carnes y vegetales para que Los cocines en agua hirbiendo!! Teniamos dos tipos de caldos, uno simple y otro picosito!! Ademas teniamos salsas aparte!! Todo estaba muy Rico!!!

Officially Official!!

I got my ID card today!! It will be used to pay for my meals and to let me into the different buildings including my dorm!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Street Food...Kind of!

The markets around campus offer what seems to look like street food although it is inside the store, more like gas station food!! Tina had me try some eggs boiled in tea, I'm not a fan of eggs, but I gave it try! (I don't really know what possessed me to do it) It wasn't to die for, but it was edible! Other things that are common is boiled meat in a skewer, they have different kinds of meat, they serve them in a cup containing the spicy liquid in which they are kept! I didn't give those a try, they have not called my attention yet!

Hay una serie de comida que se vende en estas pequeñas tiendas, parece comida de la calle pero esta adentro de la tienda ( mas como comida de gasolinera) Tina me enseño unos huevos que son herbidos en té! No estoy segura que se apodero de mi y decidi probarlos! Nunca é sido fan de el huevo cocido, no estaba como para chuparse Los dedos pero tampoco estuvo tan mal! Tambien venden carne herbida en palitos, lo sirven en vaso y con un caldo picosito de donde Los cocen! Eso Si todavia no se me antojo mucho todavia, ya veremos mas adelante!

Getting the Chinese feel PART 2!!

Now for the interesting stuff... There are a lot of interesting things found around China, like techie flip flops and stuffed animated characters. The markets are no exception!! I found some interesting things: lots of pre-marinated and I think ready to eat stuff like chicken feet, chicken, and indecipherable meats!

Ahora Sigue lo interesante!! En algunas tiendas se puedes encontrar cosas como peluches y sandalias fuera de lo comun, pero aun mas raro son las carnes pre-marinadas y creo que listas para comer como pollo, patas de pollo, y otras criaturas dificil de decifrar!!

Getting the Chinese feel!!! Finally!!

Today I took some pictures of the little stores close to campus. We hit a fruit store with giant pears and other weird fruit! We visited stores with walls lined up with instant ramen noodles! Most stores have American snacks, so I won't go hungry ( as if!! I'm loving the food). As you can see, there are boxes in the fruit store, those are gift boxes, it is very common to give fruit as presents when going to somebody's house!

Hoy visitamos pequeñas tiendas alrededor del campus! Fuimos a una pequeña fruteria, donde vendian unas peras enormes y otra fruta rara! Fuimos a pequeños supermercados donde tenian una pared cubierta de sopa instantanea! Un monton de chocolates y sabritas se encuentran aqui como alla, hazi que cuando se me antoje ahi esta! En la fruteria hay cajas para poder regalar fruta, es muy comun regalar fruta aqui cuando uno va de visita!

Friday, August 24, 2012


Today's lunch consisted of chicken with peppers! It was really spicy, but it was quite tasty! It didn't take long to be delivered and it also came with a side of rice of course! Cost ¥9

La comida de hoy era un pollo super picoso con chiles verdes y rojos. No se tardo mucho en llegar! Estaba muy Rico y acompañado con arroz porsupuesto! Costo ¥9

City views!!

These are some pictures of Shanghai! These were taken on our way to downtown, not very good pictures, but it's a sneak peek of some parts of the city!

Estas son unas fotos de Shanghai! Fueron tomadas durante el camino la centro, no son muy buenas pero es una pruebadita de algunas partes de la ciudad!

Breakfast! Day 5!!

My breakfast today consists of a sweet chewy bread, with a sweet filling, not really sure of how to describe the taste but it's not unpleasant although the texture is a little surprising! I'm also drinking the soybean drink that I'm starting to love!

El desayuno de hoy es un pan un poco raro con un relleno que aun no puedo textura es algo chiclosa pero el sabor no es desagradable...tambien estoy tomando la bebida de soya, que ya me esta gustando cada vez mas!!

Day 4; Dinner and Beer?!

I had plans of writing this last night, but I was exhausted! Yesterday was great!! I must say I had the dinner of my life! We went out to eat at a restaurant in downtown, it was one of those revolving tables restaurant, the food just kept coming. There was fish, shrimp, duck, chicken, lamb, all kinds os vegetables, dumplings, and a lot more!!

It is customary in Chinese society that people drink and have to go around every table to toast with everybody. It has to be beer; if you go around toasting with anything else, then you are not taken seriously! When they come to your table you can toast with whatever although sometimes they will pour you some beer! There were about 6 tables for us, so that was a lot greeting and drinking!! Thankfully they also serves orange juice and milk tea!

Ayer fuimos a cenar al centro! Creo que fue la cena de mi vida! El restaurant tenia mesas de esas que tienen un vidrio girador en medio! La comida no paraba de llegar! Habia todo tipo de carnes, de Cordero hasta de pollo, pato, y Pescado!

La tradicion en China es que vas alrededor de las mesas a platicar y brindar con todos (nosotros teniamos 6 mesas), solo que para que Te tomen en serio tienes que brindar con cerveza, cuando llegan a tu Mesa puedes brindar con lo que sea pero Si tu vas a saludar tiene que ser cerveza! A veces solo toman un vaso y Te lo dan, prové un poco y no sabe a nada, quizás es por eso que toman mucho!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 4! My Lunch!

Today's lunch was quite interesting: it consisted of Peking duck, some weird vegetable that I'm not sure what it is, a soup made out of winter melon ( apparently it looks like an enormous cucumber), some vegetable that looked like bok choi ( not sure if my spelling is correct), and some beef meat with peppers, all accompanied by rice of course!!

Mi Comida de Hoy fue muy interesante! Comenzando por el pato a la Peking, una sopa de melon de invierno ( al parecer la fruta se parece a un pepino pero es gigantesco), un tipo de vegetal que se parece al bok choi, y una carne de res con chiles) y arroz porsupuesto! Diferente pero rico!!

My Dinner!!!

This was today's dinner: beef with vegetables and rice! Quite tasty!! Cost ¥9 ($1.42) It is very interesting how they put the food in a bag so they won't spill it! It took about 20 minutes to order it and to get it delivered!

La cena de hoy: carne de res con vegetales y arroz!! Muy rico! Es interesante como lo ponen en bolsita para que no se tire! Tomo unos 20 minutos para ordenarlo y para quelll llegar! Costo ¥9 ($1.42)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Lunch!!

Lunch was interesting today: On the menu there was an egg souffle kind of thing with clams, pork, rice, two servings of vegetables, and a fruit- like type of drink/soup!

La comida de hoy era algo differente, un sopa de huevo, carne de puerco, dos tipos de vegetales, y arroz, todo estaba rico, la sopa de huevo fue lo mas differente pero no sabia tan mal!

Chinese Candy101

I have tried a few of Chinese candy/ snacks!! Here are a few, that I've tried and I've liked! The white ones in the bowl taste like peanut butter, it's chewy and the flavor is not too strong. The rolled ones are hawthorn berry rolls, they are sour but I like them! The other picture is like a cookie dipped in chocolate, it's very delicious!

Estos son unos de Los dulces que eh probado! Los blancos saben a cacahuate, y Los que parecen rollos son de un tipo de berries! La otra es una galleta cubierta de chocolate!