Saturday, August 25, 2012

Getting the Chinese feel!!! Finally!!

Today I took some pictures of the little stores close to campus. We hit a fruit store with giant pears and other weird fruit! We visited stores with walls lined up with instant ramen noodles! Most stores have American snacks, so I won't go hungry ( as if!! I'm loving the food). As you can see, there are boxes in the fruit store, those are gift boxes, it is very common to give fruit as presents when going to somebody's house!

Hoy visitamos pequeñas tiendas alrededor del campus! Fuimos a una pequeña fruteria, donde vendian unas peras enormes y otra fruta rara! Fuimos a pequeños supermercados donde tenian una pared cubierta de sopa instantanea! Un monton de chocolates y sabritas se encuentran aqui como alla, hazi que cuando se me antoje ahi esta! En la fruteria hay cajas para poder regalar fruta, es muy comun regalar fruta aqui cuando uno va de visita!


  1. Yummy! Missing you, but know you are having fun, I am loving your blog!

    1. The fruit is really good!!! I am having fun, missing you guys too!! I'm glad you are liking it! Soon I will put up pictures of my dorm, I wanted to do a video but I'm having laptop issues..,
